Every successful project starts with a strong foundation.

AGCC’s feasibility studies for organisations in Aberdeen ensure that your ventures are built on sound research and realistic projections.

Key services

  • Project Viability Assessments: Assess potential opportunities, risks, and challenges.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluate financial returns and investment requirements.
  • Scenario Modelling: Plan for multiple outcomes to stay resilient in dynamic markets.

Business benefits

  • Risk Mitigation: Reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes.

Client success story

The Challenge

  • A Resource Optimisation: Focus on high-impact projects with significant ROI potential.
  • Stakeholder Confidence: Provide a robust case for investment or approval.

Growing reliance on agency staff was causing significant issues for the care sector. To address these challenges, AGCC conducted a feasibility study to explore the potential for establishing a specialised recruitment agency tailored to the care sector.

Our Approach

AGCC undertook a comprehensive analysis, consulting stakeholders across the industry to understand pain points and identify practical solutions. Key areas of focus included:

  • Developing a sustainable agency model.
  • Evaluating governance and operational frameworks.
  • Identifying opportunities to improve consistency and accountability in staffing.

Key Recommendations

  • Establish a separately constituted agency, governed by a flexible Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
  • Focus the agency’s services exclusively on the care sector during the initial phase.
  • Introduce a training passport to standardise skills across staff and providers.
  • Enable open access to the agency for all care providers, ensuring inclusivity.

Alternative models, such as shared relief pools, were assessed but deemed impractical due to logistical and loyalty concerns.


The feasibility study highlighted clear opportunities for reducing costs, improving staffing consistency, and attracting investment into the care sector. Risks, such as partner withdrawal or market changes, were addressed with recommendations for governance structures and sensitivity analysis in future planning.


The study provided actionable insights and a roadmap for developing a specialised care sector recruitment agency, equipping stakeholders with the tools to improve workforce reliability and quality while addressing sector-wide challenges.

The report highlights just how much value Robert Gordon’s College adds to the local economy, and how integral we are to businesses across the region. Our financial sustainability as a school is dependent on Aberdeen’s future prosperity, so we do everything we can to work with multiple local stakeholders to support economic growth. Robert Gordon’s vision, set out in 1729, was to create a school that supported the local community and we are proud that our public benefit footprint today continues to fulfil that founding purpose

Robin Macpherson, Head of College at Robert Gordon's College

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