Vallourec North Sea welcomed clients to an exclusive technical seminar (12th February) to share news of its latest technologies, developments, and its new operational set-up within the North Sea.
Led by Vallourec’s Aberdeen office, the team hosted guest representatives from key regional operators and service providers, as Vallourec North Sea’s leadership and engineering teams discussed key topics relevant to those in attendance. Additionally, Vallourec’s regional commitment was highlighted by the announcement of a forthcoming office move to “the heart of Aberdeen’s oil and gas industry”.
Opening the seminar, North Sea managing director Alexandre Valdelievre addressed recent adaptations made in the region, sharing how these changes have strengthened Vallourec’s position and paving the way for a sustainable future through its partnership with Hunting Energy Services. Vallourec North Sea is deemed as the ‘archetype’ for the Group, given the importance of premium and service solutions in the region, alongside the growing activity in new energy.
Vallourec North Sea welcomed clients to the exclusive seminar.
During his opening remarks, Alexandre paid tribute to his team's incredible efforts during a period of significant change and adaptation. It was these efforts, Alexandre stated, that guided a successful turnaround.
Following Alexandre, several colleagues delivered presentations and shared how various technical and service solutions are improving efficiencies while reducing the total cost of ownership to their users. Vallourec North Sea and its VAM® connections have been accompanying the energy industry for decades, evolving over time to continuously offer effective and innovative solutions which have made VAM® the connection of choice for the region.
A notable evolution is the CLEANWELL® dope-free solution. During the seminar, Vallourec North Sea’s engineering team shared how CLEANWELL® allows for enhanced prolonged storage periods, improvements in running times, and decreases well rejects to near zero.
The seminar also provided the opportunity for Vallourec North Sea to show its impressive track record in sustainability benchmarks and actions. As verified and accredited by a third-party, Vallourec's industrial footprint is aligned with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).
Vallourec North Sea aims to develop these seminars into a continued series to strengthen its relationship and communications with key customers across the North-east of Scotland.