University of Aberdeen signs social impact pledge

The University of Aberdeen has made a commitment to the Social Impact Pledge, a Scottish Government initiative aimed at increasing the social impact of organisations across Scotland.

Organisations which take the Pledge commit to increasing their social impact by changing three aspects of their current operations or policies to benefit their local community.

The University has pledged to :

  • Enhance the provision of free internet access to visitors and the general public on campus by providing support (including training and connection assistance) for the City Connect wireless service.
  • Offer an additional 2 work experience placements/projects during 2016/17 to secondary school pupils in the Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Council areas, particularly those in low participation areas.
  • Co-curate an exhibition with at least one local school during Session 2016/17 to display University Collections material, thereby enhancing opportunities for members of the local community to interact with the University’s unique and diverse historic artefacts and exhibits.

Further information about the Social Impact Pledge, including details of similar projects which are being undertaken in organisations across Scotland, is available online at

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