The University of Aberdeen is currently seeking organisations interested in offering work placement opportunities for their students, ranging from short-term micro internships to three month placements.


Micro-Internships are a brand new initiative for 2015/16 by the University of Aberdeen, and are a further addition to its portfolio of placement opportunities. These are short placements, with a maximum duration of five days, allowing students to complete a short, clearly defined project within your organisation.

Micro-Internships are available across all industries, and allow the completion of a specific professional or research project, within a minimum of two and maximum of five working days.

Examples of the types of work undertaken during a micro-internship include:

  • Developing social media presence;
  • Reviewing communications, or an organisation’s website;
  • Undertaking short surveys;
  • Completing a short term research project.

A University of Aberdeen Micro-Internship allows companies and organisations to develop stronger links with the University and ensures your professional name is better known by students. Your intern can complete a specific, short term project at a pre agreed cost, while providing a fresh insight and new perspective to the proposed work.

As your first step, please complete the micro-internship registration form.

Work based projects

Organisers are currently seeking 12-week projects for their salary-free Masters students. Offering a work-based project can bring many benefits to your organisation such as:

  • Addressing a business need: propose a project which meets a requirement within your organisation
  • Provide fresh insights into a business area from our enthusiastic students who can provide a new perspective
  • Developing greater links with the University, sharing knowledge and expertise beyond the project

Projects are sought in all areas including marketing, finance, management consultancy, economics, engineering, geosciences, and communication.
Work-based projects provide students with an invaluable contemporary experience of working within your specific field, while allowing you and your organisation access to some of our most motivated students, aiding the completion of specific, short term projects within your industry.

Full details of the scheme, case studies and degrees seeking work-based projects for May 2016 are available at
SME internships

For SME organisations, the University of Aberdeen can offer £1,500 towards the salary of hiring a student intern for three months, as well as £1,000 if you hire a University of Aberdeen intern for four weeks. Internships in any sector are required.

Full details available can be found of the university website.

For more information on any of the above opportunities, please contact

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