Buildings along a key stretch of Union Street will be cleaned-up by Aberdeen City Council in an effort to encourage landlords to invest in the city's regeneration.
Drastic changes to the central section of Aberdeen’s Union Street will get under way at the start of 2024.
A new road layout will create more room for pedestrians and cyclists, opening the door to potential full pedestrianisation in the future.
The Press and Journal reports that along the same stretch, between Market Street and Bridge Street, efforts to spruce up unsightly buildings will be carried out at the same time.
A report went before councillors last February, recommending a pilot project to do up some unloved buildings. The suggestion was to carry out these improvement works” in tandem with road changes, so that the gleaming buildings would “complement” the new streetscape.
Papers going before councillors at a meeting next Wednesday explain that this should “set the tone for the remainder of the street”, with officials predicting a welcome knock-on effect.
They say the project will “give a clear indication” to the occupiers, landlords and tenants elsewhere on Union Street about how improvements may be simplified and achieved inexpensively.
Since the scheme was agreed 18 months ago, engineers have studied the condition of buildings along the 107-131 Union Street stretch that goes from the JD Sports, and includes the McDonalds frontage among those leading to the steps to The Green.
Now 11 owners and occupiers along that stretch have been consulted about the state of their buildings. Most were positive about the prospect of upgrades, but flagged some difficulties about “contributing financially”.
Reports say the authority will “continue to work with building owners” to see how private sector funding or grants can be secured.
Click here to read the full story in today's Press & Journal.