MSPs have signed off new planning rules for Scotland which aim to help hit climate-change targets while cutting the use of cars.

The new framework will give priority to planning applications for renewable energy schemes including wind farms.

And it will seek to cut car trips and boost city centres by opposing out-of-town retail parks and drive-throughs.

The aim is to create "20-minute neighbourhoods" where all services are within walking or cycling distance.

Planning Minister Tom Arthur said the changes would "help build a fairer, greener Scotland" and transform the economy for future generations.

Opposition parties said more should have been included to promote the development of new housing, but the framework was approved by 88 votes to 30.


The BBC says planning applications are mostly handled by local authorities, but councillors must work inside a framework drawn up by the Scottish Government.

The latest version of that framework states that planners must give "significant weight to the global climate and nature crises" when considering new developments.

It also says that all proposals for renewable energy projects will be supported, including onshore wind farms everywhere other than in national parks and national scenic areas.

Other green energy systems like solar arrays, hydrogen power projects and carbon-capture schemes will also be backed, while it is "highly unlikely" that new waste incinerators will get permission.

Ministers also want to boost town and city centres by creating "20-minute neighbourhoods" with improved walking and cycling access.

This will include opposition to any expansion of out-of-town retail parks, as well as drive-through takeaways - which will only be supported if local plans say they "would not negatively impact on the principles of local living or sustainable travel".

This also plays into the government's wider target to cut car journeys by 20% by 2030, with the framework aiming to support "transformational reduction in private car use".

As well as backing mass transit projects in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh, the document says developments should aim to "minimise space dedicated to car parking" in towns.

That means proposals will not be supported if they "would increase reliance on the private car", while backing will be given to those which are "ambitious in terms of low/no car parking, particularly in urban locations".

Priority will also be given to new cycle lanes and "active travel", public transport links and electric vehicle charging points.

Climate action

Meanwhile, the UK Government is at risk of failing to deliver on its net-zero plans unless it takes a "new approach" to the climate target, a review out today has found.

The study, by Tory MP Chris Skidmore, says delaying climate action would put the UK at an economic disadvantage.

It says the UK is "falling behind" on some targets and had lost opportunities because of "inconsistent policy".

The document was leaked ahead of its publication later today, and a copy was shared with the BBC.

Critics of the review said it falls short of the ambition required to drive investment in renewable energy and mitigate climate change.

The study recommends 25 actions the government should take in the next two years. These include: providing longer-term funding certainty for major net-zero projects, including new nuclear power plants; implementing plans this year to increase solar generation; and ending routine oil and gas flaring by 2025, rather than 2030.

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