The lawyer hired by Aberdeen traders to fight the council over its controversial bus gates has written to the local authority to warn it could now be "challengeable in court".

The Press and Journal revealed solicitor Alasdair Sutherland, who previously had success in a battle with Highland Council over road changes, issued the warning after being hired by the city's traders led by clothes shop veteran Norman Esslemont.

The Burness Paull planning expert sent a letter to Aberdeen City Council, which has been seen by the P&J, warning the local authority could now be “challengeable in court”.

It comes after a legal challenge over traffic changes in Inverness reached the Court of Session, where Lord Sandison agreed that consultations over the move had been “unlawful”.

Now Mr Sutherland puts it to Aberdeen City Council that the huge changes to roads in the city centre should not have been made "without the consent of the Scottish ministers".

When the P&J asked for an update from the council on the situation last week, it was told officers were "confirming the legal position".

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