The exam results celebration
breakfast at Robert Gordon's College was
filled with exciting stories on future pathways. When Olivier (S6) arrived, he described a
"fascinating" Summer with scenes that could be confused with a
natural disaster movie.
Travelling in Spain, Olivier personally experienced the effects of
climate change where he was evacuated as forest fires sparked across the
countryside. He has a keen interest in analysing extreme weather and couldn't
believe what he was seeing first hand.
Olivier is pursuing Meteorology and Climate at the University of
Reading with a year based in Oklahoma. He
said: "Experiencing different cultures around the world has fuelled my
interest in the weather and how it impacts many critical areas of life. I have
witnessed the impact of tropical cyclones in Australia; watched powerlessly as
our family car was destroyed in a tennis ball-sized hail storm in Argentina;
and this summer in Spain, actually experienced what it feels like to be at the
mercy of forest fires, with only minutes to grab your belongings and escape to
safety. Fortunately, I only had a suitcase worth of possessions to gather and
even still, I lost a few things. For many people around the world, the ravages
of forest fires destroy absolutely everything they own.
"When I see recent events in Maui, Hawaii, I realise
how lucky we were to be holidaying in a zone where the emergency services have
a lot of experience dealing with these fires but sadly climate change means
that this will become a more common feature of the world we live in, even here
in the UK. In studying meteorology, I hope to play my part to mitigate climate
change while anticipating and providing solutions to the inevitable
consequences of global warming already locked/baked into the system by our
management of the earth’s energy budget.
"With only two university options for Meteorology, I am ecstatic to be able to further my passion at such a prestigious university in this sector. Although it might appear a niche course to study, it can be adapted to suit many professions in the interests of organisations who consult on weather and climate forecasts to ensure operational efficiencies as well as economic prosperity. I was lucky to learn more about the role of an Operational Meteorologist last year during a placement at the Met Office in Exeter and again recently, when I spent a day at DTN in Aberdeen. These organisations are silent partners in many aspects of everyday life and play a critical role in decision-making in the most unusual scenarios, from managing Premier League football grounds to finding the precise window, down to the minute, to paint a vessel here in the North Sea.
"The scope of future opportunities is so varied with many options including sports and safety, marine and offshore, aviation, transportation of utilities, and agriculture. After university, I would like to pursue a career as an Operational Meteorologist, perhaps in the United States analysing thunderstorms and extreme weather or returning to the Met Office in Exeter, or DTN.
"Robert Gordon’s College has kindled my love of learning and always encouraged me to challenge myself and tackle everything with a positive mindset. All ideas are good ideas at Robert Gordon’s! It’s like the climate change campaign, ‘Show Your Stripes’, whose graphic was developed by Professor Ed Hawkins at Reading University and whose badge I proudly wore on my blazer throughout S6. For me it has a double meaning, it reflects the idea of being true to my interests and having the confidence to be different, to be me. Robert Gordon's College has encouraged me to be that person and I am very grateful for that gift."
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