On Wednesday morning, Northsound 1’s Jeff and Lauren received a mysterious message from ‘The Dook’ challenging them to raise £30,000 for the Cash for Kids Winter Warmer Appeal.

If they do not hit the £30,000 target, they will get chucked in the freezing cold North Sea on Saturday, October 5 as part of a mass North-east dook. The pair are now looking for local businesses to support them, as well as individuals who are looking to join the challenge and plunge into the North Sea on the day!

This year over 3,000 Children may go without Warm Winter Clothing, and the charity need your help to tackle this crisis. The Dook will give those involved the cold feeling that the children the charity need to support could feel every day. The Winter Warmer Appeal is an annual campaign with the charity raising money to provide applicants with a voucher to purchase warm winter clothing.

Breakfast Show host Jeff said: “We are very excited, and a little bit nervous to be taking on such an exciting challenge for the Winter Warmer Appeal. Raising £30,000 will not only ‘save’ us from a plunge into the freezing North Sea, it will allow the charity to help nearly 750 children!” Co-host Lauren added: “We need everyone to get behind this campaign and we are encouraging you to join us on the day and take on The Dook too. The more we raise, the more kids we can help. It will certainly be a fun morning, and we look forward to seeing everyone down at the beach on the 5th.”

Jamie Smith, Charity Manager said: “We are very grateful to Jeff and Lauren for getting behind our campaign and embracing ‘The Dooks’ Challenge. I would also like to thank Jessie at Seashell who is supporting us with her expert advice and guidance. This year more than ever we need the support of our local community. One of the children we support could be your neighbour or in your child’s class at school. Together we can help tackle this desperate need that our community has.”

You can sign up today to take part, donate and raise as much as you can and get ready to plunge into the North Sea on the October 5! For more information and to register visit https://hellorayo.co.uk/northsound/charity/events/the-dook-jeff-lauren/

About Cash for Kids: Cash for Kids is Northsound 1s charity in the UK. In 2022 Cash for Kids North-east Scotland supported more than 26,000 children affected by poverty, illness, abuse, neglect or who have additional needs.

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