Everyone knows that smoking is expensive, but it’s not always
obvious just how much you could save if you quit. With No Smoking Day coming up
on Wednesday 12 March 2025, NHS Grampian is taking the opportunity to encourage
smokers who want to quit to get support to help them ‘Stop and Save’.
Susan Webb, Director of Public Health for Grampian said: “Smoking
is getting more expensive all the time. According to the Office for National
Statistics, the average cost for a pack of 20 cigarettes in the UK is over £16.
For a pack-a-day smoker this can cost over £110 per week, over £450 per month
and over £5500 per year. Having this money going back into your pocket, along
with the many health benefits of quitting, can make such a difference to
people’s lives.
“We know lots of smokers would like to stop, but they don’t know
where to get that vital offer of help. That’s why we’re keen to highlight all
the services we have to offer, and the people ready to help all year round.”
During 2023/24, NHS Grampian smoking cessation services helped 941 smokers reach a 12-week quit. Based on this data and the cost of smoking a packet a day, stopping may save them a combined total of more than £5million every year.
Healthpoint advisors Steve Watson and Laura Addicoat.
Susan added: “Imagine an extra £5million going back into the local economy as people find they have more disposable income once they kick the habit. It’s great for health, great for personal finances, and great for business too.”
NHS Grampian and partners Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Health and Social Care Partnerships have also published the new Tobacco Strategic Plan for the North-east of Scotland. This aims to support partnership working and have a greater impact on reducing tobacco-related harm by accelerating the reduction in smoking rates to an ambitious goal of 5% by 2034. This will help to protect future generations from the many health problems caused by smoking and make smoking cessation support even more easily available.
If you live in Grampian and would like support to stop smoking, you can speak to your local community pharmacy or contact the NHS Grampian Public Health Healthpoint service. Call free on 08085 20 20 30 and speak to an advisor who can help you find the right support for you, including access to free stop smoking medications such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). You can also email Healthpoint on gram.healthpoint@nhs.scot and an advisor will get back to you. The Healthpoint service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.