Royal Dutch Shell has published its Sustainability Report for 2015, which describes how it is working responsibly to help meet the world’s growing demand for energy.

The Sustainability Report details Shell’s contribution to emerging energy transitions. This includes a continued focus on natural gas, carbon capture and storage and biofuels as well as other investments in low-carbon technologies such as hydrogen as a transport fuel.

In his introduction to the Sustainability Report, Shell’s Chief Executive Officer Ben van Beurden said: “It was a significant year for the global community in 2015 with the adoption of the historic Paris Agreement by 195 countries demonstrating a commitment to bring about a lower-carbon energy system.

I believe that greater co-operation across society is needed for a successful energy transition. More cross-sector coalitions – where business, government and civil society work effectively together – will accelerate the pace.”

The Sustainability Report is reviewed by an external committee, consisting of seven experts from a range of professional backgrounds. They bring a collective understanding of the sustainability challenges faced by Shell. This is the 19th edition of the Shell Sustainability Report.

Shell has also published details of payments made to governments in 2015 where it has upstream operations. This report, which details payments in 24 countries, is prepared in accordance with the UK’s Reports on Payments to Governments Regulations 2014 (as amended in December 2015).

To read the full report, go to

To read details of Shell’s payments to governments, go to

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