A service is to be held on Sunday (November 6) for those affected by past practices relating to baby ashes at Aberdeen Crematorium.

The service, hosted by Aberdeen Churches Together, will be held at the Kirk of St Nicholas from 3pm.

Aberdeen Churches Together has been supported by Aberdeen City Council in inviting parents and other affected family members. Letters of invitation to the service were sent to people who have been in contact with the Council throughout the process.

The service will be led by Rev Hugh Wallace with Rev Dr John McNeill, Rev Stephen Taylor and Health Care Chaplain Katrina Blackwood. The St Andrew’s Episcopal Church Choir will also be part of the service.

Rev Wallace said: “Each individual and family has dealt with this sadness in their own way. Sunday will be an opportunity for those who wish to come together to share in a service which we hope offers comfort during what continues to be a difficult time.”

Anyone wishing to attend, or to find out more about the support available, should contact Aberdeen Churches Together on aberdeenchurchestogether@gmail.com.

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