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Scottish Primary schools are challenged to create an innovative, healthy dish – using Scottish produce - for their school meal.

The 2019 Braw Lunch-Brake Challenge has launched and is open to primary 5, 6 and 7 pupils from across Scotland. Finalists will take part in a cook-off at the City of Glasgow College and pitch their product ideas including marketing plans to a team of ‘Dragons’. The prize for the final winners is an all expenses trip to the Royal Highland Show for their entire class.

This challenge is a partnership between Food and Drink Federation (FDF) Scotland, Brakes Scotland, ASSIST Facilities Management, Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET), Skills Development Scotland and Developing Young Workforce. It tests the pupils’ creative and entrepreneurial skills. At the same time pupils learn about all the processes and skills needed to get food from farm to fork and the range of careers on offer in the food and drink industry.

Chris Boyle, head of public sector, Brakes Scotland, said: "Brakes Scotland with FDF Scotland and partners set up this challenge 4 years ago to get children involved in hands-on cooking. It's a life skill and we know many children are not getting these basic skills due to equipment struggles at school. This challenge allows teachers to have a 'gate to plate' lesson plan and have some fun with food and potentially spark some interest in children considering careers in food and drink but ultimately, understanding healthy food choices.”

Moira Stalker, skills manager, FDF Scotland, said: “We are delighted to be running this challenge again. Every year I am inspired by the enthusiasm and creativity displayed by the pupils. I would encourage teachers to get your school involved in this exciting competition.”

Keith Breasley, national chair, ASSIST facilities management, said: “The best way to improve a child's diet is to get them involved and interested in food - this competition does just that. Thank you Brakes!”

Katrina Barclay, RHET manager said: “We are delighted to be involved in this collaboration and recognise the value in encouraging school pupils to visit a working farm to find out for themselves about local, seasonal, fresh produce they could incorporate into their dish. Winning a trip to the Scotland’s premier agricultural event where the best of food, farming and rural life is showcased will bring this project to life.”

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