A period of statutory consultation for Aberdeen City Council's proposals to create new school zones for the Countesswells, Loriston and Cove areas get under way today (Oct 30).

Convener of Aberdeen City Council’s Education and Children's Services Committee, Councillor Angela Taylor, said: "The views of parents, pupils and staff and the wider community are crucial to this process. I would encourage everyone with an interest in this proposal to take part in the consultation process."

The first of the consultations is the council’s proposal to create a new primary school zone to serve the planned new housing development at Loirston and Cove.

As part of the consultation process a public meeting will be held to discuss the proposal to create the new school zone, which will involve amending the school zones for Charleston, Kirkhill and Abbotswell Primary Schools. If the proposals are accepted, the new school zone would take effect from August 2016.

The creation of the new zone is in preparation for the building of a new primary school within the Loirston/Cove development. It is expected that the new school will open in 2019. Creating the new school zone now will allow for interim arrangements to be put in place for educating children from the Loirston and Cove development, prior to the new school opening.

The proposal also includes the rezoning of an area of the existing Kirkhill School zone, east of the A956 trunk road, to the Loirston School zone.

The public consultation meeting will be held at:

7pm-8pm on Wednesday, November 25 at Charleston School, Charleston Road, Cove.

Written comments should be sent to:

Loirston-Cove Consultation

Education and Children's Services

Aberdeen City Council

Business Hub 13, Second Floor North

Marischal College

Aberdeen AB10 1AB

Comments can also be sent by email to schoolestate@aberdeencity.gov.uk

All submissions must be received before 5pm on Friday, December 18, 2015.

A copy of the statutory consultation document will be available throughout the consultation period at:

  • Marischal College
  • Central Library
  • Cove Library
  • Kincorth Library
  • Charleston School
  • Kirkhill School
  • Loirston School
  • Abbotswell School
  • Kincorth Academy

The proposal document and further details on the consultation process will be available on the City Council website: www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/loirstoncove-rezoning

The statutory consultation ends on Friday, December 18, 2015.

The second statutory consultation is for Aberdeen City Council's proposal to create new primary and secondary school zones to serve the planned new housing development at Countesswells.

As part of the consultation process four public meetings will be held to discuss the council's proposals which will involve amending the current school zones for Cults and Airyhall Primary Schools, and Bucksburn Academy, Cults Academy and Hazlehead Academy. The new school zones would take effect from August 2016.

The creation of the new zones is in preparation for the building of new primary and secondary schools within the Countesswells development. It is expected that the first new primary school will open in 2019, and the new secondary school is likely to open in 2022. Creating the new school zones now will allow for interim arrangements to be put in place for educating children from the Countesswells development, prior to the new schools opening.

The proposal also includes the rezoning of Kingswells Primary School, from Bucksburn Academy to the new secondary school at Countesswells.

The public consultation meetings will be held at:

7pm-8pm on Tuesday, November 24 at Bucksburn Academy, Kepplehills Road, Bucksburn

7pm-8pm on Thursday, November 26, at Kingswells School, Kingswells Avenue, Kingswells

7pm-8pm on Tuesday, December 1 at Hazlehead Academy, Groats Road

7pm-8pm on Wednesday, December 2 at Cults Academy, Quarry Road, Cults

Written comments should be sent to:

Countesswells Consultation

Education and Children's Services

Aberdeen City Council

Business Hub 13, Second Floor North

Marischal College

Aberdeen AB10 1AB

Comments can also be sent by email to schoolestate@aberdeencity.gov.uk

All submissions must be received before 5pm on Friday, December 18, 2015.

A copy of the statutory consultation document will be available throughout the consultation period at:

  • Marischal College
  • Central Library
  • Cults Library
  • Airyhall Library
  • Bucksburn Academy
  • Cults Academy
  • Hazlehead Academy
  • Airyhall School
  • Cults School
  • Hazlehead School
  • Kingswells School

The proposal document and further details on the consultation process will be available on the City Council website: www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/countesswells-rezoning

The statutory consultation ends on Friday, December 18, 2015.

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