Ryden to launch Ultimate Guide to Business Rates & the 2017 Rating Revaluation

Property advisor Ryden is set to launch the Ultimate Guide to Business Rates & the 2017 Revaluation on the firm's website this Thursday (September 29).

The Ultimate Guide is the only known online document which provides ratepayers with comprehensive and up-to-the-minute information on business rates and the 2017 Rating Revaluation for Scotland and England.

Topics covered in the launch edition include rates relief, mitigation, how rates are calculated, as well as the Revaluation process and Ryden's top tips.

Tim Bunker, rating partner said: " We hosted seminars on rating earlier this year and the response from clients is that they need help to understand the issues and regular announcements from Government. We have responded by launching a new online guide, because until now, we believe there has been no 'ready reckoner' for ratepayers to consult.

"Our team of rating experts will update the Ultimate Guide as soon as announcements are made, ensuring ratepayers have a go-to resource to consult to answer their questions and clarify the often confusing messages surrounding business rates."

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