Addressing the roots causes of illness in children and young people will be focus of a special event being held by Aberdeen Chiropractic Clinic this week.
The session at the Clinic’s Great Western Road premises on February 6 will look at addressing the root cause of conditions such as sensory processing disorders in children using the “3Ts” strategy of thinking – Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts (physical, chemical and emotional imbalance).
Aberdeen Chiropractic Clinic owner Dr Eline Pedersen explains:
“In the case of sensory processing disorders the root cause can often be traced back to trauma at birth, Caesarian section, induction, forceps delivery and even a “normal” birth can be challenging to the sensitive and developing spine and nervous system.
“This trauma often runs in parallel with a reduced immune defence and thereby an increased chance of the infections and toxins which are associated with physical and emotional stress. The brain often follows suit to complete the so-called Perfect Storm which will be the focus of our next public lectures on February 6 and again on April 21.”
“Frequently such problems are not diagnosed until a child reaches school age and, in our experience, they are often misdiagnosed as behaviour problems. Very quickly, children find school to be a difficult and challenging environment. They may fall behind in the classroom and so begins the possibility of education and, later, work suffering as a consequence – as well as an increase in pressure on education and health systems as well as employers and the family itself.”
To find out more, visit the events section of the Aberdeen Chiropractic Clinic website.