Robert Gordon University (RGU) has teamed up with a leadership development company to bring the biggest one-day leadership event in the world to Aberdeen.

Leadercast Live 2016 brings together some of the most recognised and respected global leaders in the world and this year, Total Perspectives has partnered with RGU’s Aberdeen Business School.

Leadercast Live, organised by Total Perspectives, will explore what it means to be a visionary leader by looking at three unique perspectives that an ‘Architect of Tomorrow’ must explore.

It is broadcast live from Atlanta to over 100,000 leaders around the globe in hundreds of locations around the world each year.

The speakers for this year’s event, which will be held on May 6 at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, include; Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc; Dr Henry Cloud, Leadership Expert and Clinical Psychologist; Chris Barez-Brown, Author and Creativity Guru; Kat Cole, Group President, Focus Brands; Mike Stevenson, Thinktastic, Edinburgh; Dominic Smart Salos Sunesis, Aberdeen and Tim Wigham, Exceed, Aberdeen.

Professor Rita Marcella, Dean of Aberdeen Business School, said: “We are absolutely delighted to be involved in this year’s Leadercast Live event.

“The event brings together some of the most recognised and respected global leaders around the world and Aberdeen itself has a rich history of producing innovative and successful entrepreneurs who have made an impact on a global stage.

“At Aberdeen Business School we aim to inspire our students to explore the world of entrepreneurial opportunity and to develop their enterprising mindsets.

“The students of today will drive the economy forward so it is important that they get the opportunity to hear from industry as part of their academic learning, helping them to build the strength of character needed to make a success of their business ideas.”

Edosa Akioya, Director at Total Perspectives, said: “We are excited to host this unique event in partnership with the RGU business school. The content for the day is designed to be a spring board to inspire us to look beyond the current economic climate and envision a future that is better than today.

“Aberdeen Foyer, a community social enterprise, is our dedicated charity for this event and we will be supporting them with proceeds from the ticket sales.”

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