Robert Gordon University (RGU) hosted an international computing research conference earlier this month which attracted delegates from around the world.
The 17th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN) was held in the university’s Sir Ian Wood Building on Saturday, September 3 and Sunday, September 4.
RGU’s School of Computing Science and Digital Media organised and hosted the conference. PhD students and staff from the School gave presentations and engaged in research discussions.
More than 50 delegates attended the event from countries including: Brazil, Czech Republic, China, Chile, Colombia, Greece, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, UK and USA.
The conference was opened by RGU’s Vice Principal of Research Professor Paul Hagan and papers presented at the conference demonstrated a variety of novel neural network and other computational intelligence approaches applied to challenging real world problems.
The papers covered exiting topics such as: spiking neural networks, convolutional neural networks and deep learning applications, real-time systems, ensemble classification, chaotic neural networks, self-organising maps applications, intelligent cyber physical systems, text analysis, emotion recognition and optimisation problems.​
Professor Chrisina Jayne, Head of RGU’s School of Computing Science & Digital Media Head of School, worked with colleagues to organise the event.
She said: “We are very proud to have hosted the 17th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks here at RGU and hope to attract similar events to Aberdeen in the future.
“It was great to see delegates from around the world discussing shared challenges and research solutions and we hope to further strengthen our links in order to develop new opportunities for our staff and students to collaborate with other experts in the field.”
A number of organisations also supported the conference, including: The International Neural Network Society (INNS), the Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance (SICSA), Visit Aberdeen, Visit Scotland and RGU. More information about the conference and an image gallery can be found at: