Councillors have agreed to progress with a revised planning framework for the Bay of Nigg area of Aberdeen after a six-week public consultation.
A number of changes to the document, which seeks to maximise the potential of land around the planned expansion of Aberdeen Harbour, were agreed by members of the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee today (Wed).
Members of the public were invited to make comments on the Draft Bay of Nigg Development Framework between September 30 and November 11, 2015.
Following today’s decision, the revised Draft Bay of Nigg Development Framework will now progress as Interim Planning Advice and will be taken forward alongside the emerging Aberdeen Local Development Plan.
The document was produced by planning and design consultants Barton Willmore on behalf of Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen Harbour Board and Scottish Enterprise
Aberdeen Harbour Board is proposing to create additional facilities at the Bay of Nigg in a direct response to capacity constraints at the existing harbour. The harbour expansion proposal is subject to three separate but closely-linked consenting regimes and continues independently of the Bay of Nigg Development Framework.
The aim of the Bay of NIgg document is to consider how to maximise the opportunities presented by investment in the harbour expansion and facilitate cohesive and properly planned growth.
In particular, it applies to the co-ordination of essential infrastructure around the harbour expansion site and the use of surrounding land, including existing industrial sites at Altens and East Tullos.
The Draft Framework area also covers the eastern edge of Torry, a proportion of the Coast Road, Ness and East Tullos landfill sites as well as surrounding green space.
The Draft Framework focuses on three key phases: the new harbour facility at Bay of Nigg and improvements to Coast Road, upgrades to the road network in and around Altens and East Tullos.
Aberdeen City Council’s Convener of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure, Councillor Neil Cooney, said: “I think that it is important to note that this is a planning framework, it is separate from the proposals for the harbour expansion itself.
“We have consulted with the public on this development framework and it will now be taken forward as interim planning guidance.”
Full details of consultation responses, officer responses and recommended actions (including revisions to the framework) are available to view on the Aberdeen City Council website at