An Aberdeen safety training and competence management company has heralded its first candidate to be awarded a national internal verifier certificate.
RelyOn Nutec UK, which operates training centres and competence management services in Aberdeen and Teesside, became an SQA Approved Centre last year, supporting businesses across all industry sectors to maintain a quality and robust competence management system.
Neil Travis, offshore installation manager (OIM), Buzzard for CNOOC Petroleum Europe Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNOOC Limited, achieved the national qualification following a 12 month programme, becoming the first candidate to achieve the Internal Verifier qualification through the RelyOn Nutec Aberdeen, SQA Approved Centre.
The Aberdeen training and competence company has been an OPITO Approved Centre for the Industry Assessor and Internal Verifier awards for some years, adding the SQA accredited national Assessor and Internal Verifier qualifications, recognised out with the oil & gas industry, to their portfolio in 2018.
“As our very first delegate to achieve the qualification, Neil has demonstrated a sound understanding as well as practical application of the role and responsibilities of the Internal Verifier within his company’s competence management system, assuring the quality and consistency of assessments undertaken by Assessors in accordance with company procedures, codes of practise and external regulatory requirements.”
RelyOn Nutec (previously Falck Safety Services), which delivers CNOOC Petroleum Europe Limited’s training management service, was acquired by Danish private equity firm, Polaris, last year and has over 30 training centres across the world, including two UK bases in Aberdeen and Teesside employing more than 100 employees across the UK.

Bill Clark, Karen Bellu and Neil Travis