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The award-winning DFN Project SEARCH University of Aberdeen employability programme is offering young people aged 16-24 with learning disabilities or who are on the autistic spectrum the opportunity to enrol in Session 2025/26.

Applications for a place on the programme from August 2025 – June 2026 are open until Friday March 14 2025.

An open day is taking place in the Project SEARCH classroom, Butchart Building, University Road, AB24 3UT on Thursday February 6 2025 where applicants can see round the classroom, meet the team and ask any questions about the programme.

Further information about the programme, including how applicants can apply, is available online at: Recruitment | StaffNet | The University of Aberdeen (

Project SEARCH provides real-life work experience, combined with training in employability and independent-living skills, to young people with learning disabilities and/or autistic spectrum conditions who want to go on to find paid employment.

It is a one-year internship programme recruiting 12 young people each year who are supported to undertake three work placements within the university and study towards City & Guilds qualifications.

Upon graduation, the interns receive support to enter paid employment and, to date, well over 60% of graduates are now in employment in the North-east of Scotland – nearly 10 times above the average employment rate for those with a learning disability who do not enter any type of post-school programme.

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