Four new primary schools are on course to open in Aberdeen in the next few years as part of the Education New Build Programme.
Updates to Aberdeen City Council’s Capital Programme Committee confirmed that Milltimber is scheduled for completion in Summer 2021, Countesswells and Torry towards the end of 2021, and Tillydrone in Summer 2022.
The schools are at different stages of design and delivery and subject to varying planning approvals and contract awards.
Tillydrone would replace the existing Riverbank school and have a room for 650 pupils and Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) provision for 100 pupils.
The vision includes a playing pitch and outdoor learning areas. The school would have connections to the newly opened Tillydrone Community Campus and promote the "whole community” approach to learning described in the Tillydrone Locality Plan.
Torry Primary, earmarked for the site of the former Torry Academy, would include a Hub housing a range of community services with space for cultural and leisure activities.
The primaries at Countesswells and Milltimber are being brought forward to accommodate new housing in the local area and would be part-funded by developers.
All four primary schools – with a collective value of up to £100 million – would contribute to the delivery of the Council’s ELC Expansion Programme of works.
The Council is committed to provide 1,140 hours of ELC for eligible two-year olds and all three- and four-year olds by the end of 2020.
The committee heard that work will take place at existing schools and nurseries at Tullos, Westpark, Kingsford, Quarryhill and Woodside, and new nurseries at Northfield/Cummings Park, Seaton and Tillydrone, to manage the transformational change necessary.

Aberdeen City Council