Pitch your business to others at  Aberdeen Business Network events

Companies have the chance to build relationships at no fewer than three Aberdeen Business Network (ABN) events taking place before the end of the year.

ABN is holding its Before Noon (B4N) event at the Centurion Court offices of care and support services charity Cornerstone on Wednesday, October 25. Places are available for 40 people to take part in the event, which runs from 10am to noon and is sponsored by Cornerstone.

An M4 networking event is being staged at Aberdeen Sports Village on Tuesday, November 7, from 4pm to 6pm, and is being sponsored by Northwood Lettings Aberdeen.

The M4 format involves delegates delivering a one-minute elevator business pitch as they circulate around the room in groups of four, ensuring each attendee meets everyone in the room.

Finally, ABN Gold members have access to a joint event with BNI Scotland North at BlueSky CityPoint, just off Aberdeen’s Union Street, on Tuesday, November 21, (4pm-6pm). The collaborative event between two of the region’s most successful networking groups will help attendees broaden their connections. Membership of ABN Gold and BNI is required to attend.

Andrew Smith said: “All three events are different, but the aim is the same – to enhance existing business relationships or build new ones. We would encourage firms to get involved and send delegates to discover more about how it can help them achieve their growth objectives.

“We’re delighted to be collaborating with another networking organisation in BNI and are confident this will be an extremely successful event.”

Tickets for the Cornerstone and Sports Village events cost £31 for ABN Gold members and £39 plus VAT for non-members. Tickets for the ABN Gold and BNI members’ only event are free.

Aberdeen Business Network (ABN) hosts regular networking and business skills development events across the city. More than £13 million worth of business has been won by local members in the past nine years - a result of the connections established through ABN.

ABN also operates an online business community, ABNCommunity.com, which has more than 6,300 members from the local area and provides users with the opportunity to meet potential new clients, swap contact details, follow up on connections made at offline networking events and win business.

To find out more about the events and network online visit: www.abncommunity.com.

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