Making mental health apparent in the workplace. The next generation in preventative mental health solutions has arrived. Veteran Owned Omniscient Safety Innovations Ltd talks about their new company providing software solutions for workplace mental health.
OSi is a multi-award winning organisation that was recognised the Oil and Gas UK awards in 2020 for its innovative approach to workplace mental health.
The veteran owned Omniscient Safety Innovations Ltd is launching a new software management system for workplace mental health. The system called Chamellii will make mental health apparent to the business and provide preventative and ongoing personalised confidential support direct to employees.
Owner and innovator Brett Townsley said: “There is something known as the chameleon effect, when humans experience mental health harm, we attempt to disguise it and blend into the background. It’s an attempt to protect ourselves from harm, the truth is we still show the changes from the impacts in our behaviours, emotions, and thoughts just like chameleons.
Our system will translate that to the business to assist them in recognising the harm and applying solutions to prevent or reduce the harm, while educating the individuals and building their own mental health fortitude to be more capable of coping with mental health impacts.”
“For a business there are obvious gains, in terms of health & wellbeing benefits for staff. However, there are also costs benefits with poor mental health management costing the UK with estimated costs between 35 – 45 billion a year, a business that applies the Chamelii solution can reduce this massively meanwhile breaking the stigma that surrounds mental. 51% of all reported lost work days (Health & Safety Executive) in 2019/20 were for work related stress, depression and anxiety, imagine your business being able to understand, manage and reduce this effectively, well now you can”
Sarah Townsley project director said; “We are delighted to sponsor Pathfinders campaign the Chat, its vitally important to engage in these key conversations around mental health. As the spouse of a veteran, I know the environments and types of experiences that are encountered, we are proud to be a veteran owned business breaking new ground in mental health preventative solutions”
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