A series of Scotland-wide events to support resilience in the oil and gas sector have been so successful, a sixth event is to be organised in Aberdeen.

Organised by Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise on behalf of the Energy Jobs Taskforce in response to the current oil and gas downturn, over 140 companies attended a series of five events during December and January.

From Aberdeen, Inverness, Troon, Glasgow and Dundee, delegates heard from a strong mix of industry and company leaders on their views of the current oil and gas situation. Energy Minister, Fergus Ewing, Bob Keiller, former chief executive of the Wood Group, John Reid of Michelin Tyres and Ian Cunningham from the Bank of Scotland were just some of the guest speakers sharing their experiences, opinions and thoughts on how to tackle the challenges ahead.
David Rennie, international sector head for oil and gas at Scottish Enterprise, said: “The events were focused on smaller companies to help give them a perspective on the current situation and what they should be doing to ensure their business is as prepared as it can be to get through it. Best practice, communication, collaboration, people and trust – these are just some of the words I heard mentioned repeatedly over the course of the events. There was also a clear recognition of the current difficulties but also the need for change within the industry and indeed that change is already happening as companies face the challenges ahead.

“We’re seeing a real sense of determination amongst companies to not only survive this downturn but to come out of it more resilient than ever before. The events provided a platform for companies to come together to network and share their experiences as well as get advice from leading industry figures on how to prepare in the short term for long term success.”

Attending the Glasgow event has not only helped McNair Engineering to consider new opportunities but has also resulted in the company recruiting a new member of staff, a delegate from the event.

Managing director of McNair Engineering, Ian McNair, said: “We have hired a delegate from your conference as a result of attending your excellent event. He is initially in charge of business development with a view to becoming more involved as a senior manager in the longer term.

“In addition we have now met with one of the speakers, Ian Ord from Fifth Ring, and also plan to meet with someone from Scottish Enterprise’s oil and gas team whose desire to support Scottish engineering companies is refreshing to us.

“It is our ambition at McNair Engineering, having been in business for 38 years, to continue to embrace the ever changing environment within the oil sector and to continue servicing a multitude of engineering needs throughout the worldwide energy sector.”
Scottish Enterprise works intensively with over 350 oil and gas companies through its account management portfolio and in the last year has also engaged directly with over 300 companies through industry organised events such as the business resilience events.

Following initial feedback from the five events, Scottish Enterprise is planning a sixth event to take place in Aberdeen on April 1 with guest speakers confirmed including Deirdre Michie, chief executive of Oil and Gas UK and John Reid of Michelin.

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