The latest in a series of Business Booster events hosted by Aberdeen City Council will take place on Monday, October 2, 2017.

The session, entitled Be All you Can Be, will run from 12-2pm at Marischal College and offers delegates a networking opportunity which includes psychometric testing to help those attending understand more about themselves and how they can improve the way they relate to colleagues, friends and family.

Carolyn Maniukiewicz, director of Ideas In Partnership, will run the workshop which will focus on personal development, team building, confidence building and motivation. To register use the following link:

The Business Booster series will continue on Friday, October 13, with a session entitled What Does a Good Tender Look Like?

Running at Marischal College from 2-4.30pm, it will be led by Alison Gallacher and Gemma Simpson of Aberdeenshire Council.

It is designed as an interactive session aiming to provide clarity on what councils are looking for from the quality aspect of tender submissions. As tenders increasingly rely on more than just financial considerations, this session aims to give an insight on what will and will not earn marks as part of the tender evaluation process. To register use the following link:

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