Notice of Annual General Meeting
Thursday June 23, 2016
plus invitation to members private briefing on
Opportunity North East and City Centre Masterplan
You and your colleagues are formally invited to the 161st Annual General Meeting of the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce (AGCC).
The meeting will be held in the Forbes Suite at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Exploration Avenue, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8BL.
Please arrive at 16:00 hours for registration, networking and a light buffet with formal proceedings commencing at 16:30 hours.
On completion of the AGM formalities, members are invited to stay to hear presentations from Jennifer Craw, Chief Executive, Opportunity North East and Marc Cole, City Centre Director, responsible for delivery of the Masterplan.
Proceedings are expected to finish by 18:30 hours.
- Notice of AGM with Agenda
- Minutes of the 2015 AGM
- Report of Directors & Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015
- Board nomination details and Nomination Form
- Policy Council nomination details and Nomination Form
Call for nominations for Board and Policy Council
Your Chamber relies on members to serve on the Board and Policy Council.
Becoming involved in either the Board or Policy Council provides a unique and rewarding personal and corporate opportunity to input to the development of the North-east economy through the Chamber’s activities, and also provides an unequalled networking opportunity for you and your business.
AGCC is the largest representative organisation of its kind in the North-east, bringing together the widest possible cross-section of organisations in the private, public and third sectors.
The Articles of Association require that one third of Board and Policy Council positions are refreshed each year, and this year there are four vacancies on the Board and 10 on Policy Council.
Please exercise your right to submit nominations for both the Board and Policy Council using the documents referenced above.
Nominations must be returned by 5pm on Friday June 10, 2016.
We look forward to your active participation and look forward to seeing you at the AGM on Thursday June 23, 2016.
Although this is a free event, please book your place to assist us with seat planning and catering.
Companies can book a maximum of two places.
If you require any further information regarding the AGM, please contact our events team on 01224 343901 or e-mail
Note that only fully paid up members are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM.