More than half of Scotland's MSPs - including seven Labour rebels - have backed Unite's No Ban Without a Plan campaign to protect North Sea jobs.

Out of 129 MSPs, 65 across the Labour, Conservatives, SNP and Alba parties signed a commitment pledging to support the campaign in calling for the UK government to take action.

The cornerstone ask of the campaign are that the government ensures oil and gas workers do not become this generation's coal miners by making sure there is adequate investment so that workers are not made to pay the price for the transition to greener energy, with a rock-solid, cast-iron plan for jobs.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “The majority of MSP’s are clear that Labour needs to reverse its irresponsible policy banning all new oil and gas licenses irrespective of the impact on jobs.

“It is madness to do this without a viable plan including concrete equivalent jobs for North Sea workers and real assurances on energy security. We must not let go of one lifeline until we’ve got hold of another. Unite won’t sit back and let workers be abandoned – there must be a workers’ transition to net zero.”

The Press and Journal reports the Labour rebels going against the party line are Richard Leonard, Katy Clark, Colin Smyth, Paul Sweeney, Monica Lennon, Carol Mochan and Mercedes Villalba.

A spokesman for the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero told the P&J the best way to secure Scotland’s energy economy is to invest in the “clean power transition”.

They added: “Our priority is a fair, orderly and prosperous transition in the North Sea in line with our climate and legal obligations, and we will work with the sector to protect current and future generations of good jobs.”

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