Charles Michies Pharmacy and Mental Health Aberdeen are delighted to be partnering in a new initiative called ‘Blether Together’.

The idea is based loosely on the German practice of ‘Stammtisch’, which means ‘regular table’. The idea is a simple one, set aside a table on a regular basis, turn up and just have a blether. Conversation is the name of the game, and the benefits of taking part are acknowledged to help fight social isolation and improve wellbeing.

As Lynne Clark, communications and events lead for Charles Michies explains: “Our ever-expanding events programme has at its core the desire to bring people together, forge connections and improve health and wellbeing. We are very excited to be partnering with Graeme Kinghorn of Mental Health Aberdeen in such a worthwhile initiative as ‘Blether Together’."

Loneliness and social isolation can affect anyone. Experiences of loneliness can vary, but its effects can be profound and wide-ranging. It is considered to be one of the largest public health challenges we face today. In 2023, 49.63% of adults (25.99 million people) in the UK reported feeling lonely occasionally, sometimes, often or always, and approximately 7.1% of people (3.83 million) experience chronic loneliness, meaning they feel lonely ‘often or always’.

Graeme said: "The initial feedback reaction to this idea has been tremendous, so I’m delighted that Michies are supporting this going forward. The more I talk to local people, the more this single issue is identified as a major hurdle to good mental health. In a recent discussion with Cameron McCready of Home-Start Aberdeen, Cameron confirmed that social isolation was the single biggest problem identified by the Home Start service users which confirms the anecdotal evidence."

‘Blether Together’ will run once a month on a Wednesday in the Charles Michies café of their city centre branch at 391 Union Street, from 12.30-1.30pm. Though not to be confused with a therapy session, the aim is to provide a completely informal space where people can meet new friends, feel connected, and talk about things that are on their mind.

So come along, grab a cuppa (and a cake!), look for the sign on the table and feel free to join in the chat, it’s that easy!

Further details can be found under the events section of our website: Cafe and Events at Michies – Charles Michies Pharmacy or search for Charles Michie on Facebook

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