Following on from the success of the 2015 EcoCity Awards new categories have been announced for the 2016 Awards. Entrants are invited to enter their submissions for projects and initiatives undertaken between September 2015 – September 2016 in the following categories :

Fairtrade EcoCity Award

For the individual, organisation or school which has most successfully demonstrated a commitment to Fairtrade and contributed to keeping Aberdeen a Fairtrade City.

Sustainable Travel EcoCity Award

For the individual, organisation or school which has most successfully demonstrated a commitment to promoting and facilitating sustainable travel (walking, cycling, car-share, public-transport etc) in Aberdeen.

Waste Reduction EcoCity Award

For the individual, organisation or school which has most successfully demonstrated a commitment to promoting or facilitating waste reduction measures (upcycling, recycling, waste prevention) in Aberdeen.

Clean-up Champion Eco-City Award (Two winners)

Recognising the efforts of individuals or organisations making Aberdeen a more beautiful place by picking-up litter.

Growing Smarter EcoCity Individual Award

For the individual who has most successfully promoted or contributed to enhancing the environment and improving the quality of life in Aberdeen.

Growing Smarter EcoCity Organisation Award

For the organisation which has most successfully promoted or contributed to enhancing the environment and improving the quality of life in Aberdeen.

Growing Smarter EcoCity Junior Award

For the school (or group of school-aged children) which has most successfully promoted or contributed to enhancing the environment and improving the quality of life in Aberdeen.

In addition there will be two further awards: a Judges Award (for the best new-comer or innovative entry as awarded at the discretion of the judges) and an Overall EcoCity Award Winner (for the most inspiring entry helping Aberdeen to become a more sustainable city). All category winners will receive a cash or voucher prize and a certificate. All finalists will be invited to the award ceremony in November.

The application form is on the website. The deadline for applications is September 26.

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