Maintenance and repair is the theme of Oil & Gas UK’s ‘Share Fair Spotlight’, the first in a new series of events which Oil & Gas UK is launching in its Aberdeen office on April 27 to promote co-operative business behaviours across the sector to improve efficiency in key activity areas.
Stephen Marcos Jones, Oil & Gas UK’s business development director, said:
“Under the guidance of the sector’s Efficiency Task Force, there is clear evidence that collective effort to deliver the cost efficiencies the industry requires to restore competitiveness to the UK continental shelf (UKCS) is gathering momentum. This Efficiency Task Force-sponsored Share Fair Spotlight event builds on progress by allowing discussions to be focused on a specific area of efficiency improvement.
“We are delighted that Centrica Exploration and Production, Nexen Petroleum U.K. Limited and Wood Group will be at the event actively participating in this new, informal knowledge-sharing arena. The key to developing a demand-led supply chain lies in encouraging dialogue between both supplier and purchaser companies. In this way, we can ensure that innovation in the supply chain is more acutely aligned with the needs of operators.”
Moira Lamb, Senior Business Analyst at Oil & Gas UK, said:
“The forthcoming Share Fair Spotlight will provide a platform for companies to highlight their efforts to be more efficient and share any challenges, to build on the success of the Rapid Efficiency Exchange, the online portal launched by the Efficiency Task Force in 2015. Attendees will participate in open and constructive discussions about maintenance and repair and identify cost-effective ways to optimise safe operational performance and increase the ‘up-time’ of offshore production facilities.”
The new Share Fair Spotlight series of events aligns with other efficiency initiatives to deliver the services, expertise and equipment the upstream sector urgently needs to maximise economic recovery from the UKCS and secure its long term future. Themes for future Share Fair Spotlight events will include decommissioning on September 8.
You can book a place here. Further details are available on the Oil & Gas UK events web page.