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NESCol students and staff join regional response to Coronavirus

Students and staff from North East Scotland College have joined the region’s response to Coronavirus as part of wide ranging contribution by the NESCol community.

Seventeen students from the College’s care faculty have signed-up as volunteers following an appeal by NHS Grampian for individuals with relevant skills, knowledge and experience to lend support.

NESCol staff are also working to increase the supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the health service by utilising 3D printing equipment to produce visors to approved specification. Hundreds of units are due to be completed within the first week of full production and capacity is being expanded.

The College has also gathered additional PPE equipment from its three main campuses to distribute to the NHS. Gloves, safety glasses, aprons and masks are among the items donated. Professional support in a number of areas, including training and IT, has been offered as well as the provision of facilities for care training.

A number of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students have also volunteered with third sector organisations in the North East.

Neil Cowie, Principal at NESCol, said: “We have tremendous admiration for the work being done by frontline workers and are committed to supporting the response in the region in any way we can.

“The students who have taken the decision to offer their services at a time when resources in the care and health sectors are under such strain are to be commended. They will provide valuable additional resource and the contribution of all of our volunteers, both students and staff, in many different capacities is something the College takes great pride in.

“We are also pleased to have been able to utilise the technology and expertise we have at NESCol to join the PPE manufacturing effort. Staff have shown great determination and innovation and that is reflective of the spirit we are seeing across the College during these challenging times.”

NESCol is continuing to deliver online learning to students whilst College buildings are closed, with full support services also being maintained.

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