North East Scotland College (NESCol) has secured £120,000 funding from Skills Development Scotland (SDS) to pilot a number of Foundation Apprenticeships in partnership with schools across Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire.

The Foundation Apprenticeship scheme offers senior secondary pupils the opportunity to gain sector-specific skills in a workplace setting along with related academic theory over a two-year period while still at school.

The successful bid will allow the College to deliver these apprenticeships in Engineering, Software Development, Hardware Technical Support, Childcare, Health & Social Care.

John Davidson, Vice Principal, North East Scotland College, said: “As part of the Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) agenda, there is a need to develop curriculum pathways in the senior phase of secondary schools with an emphasis on work- based learning.

“A work experience element will be built into the programmes to help pupils apply the knowledge in a real work environment.

“The apprenticeships will unlock the talents of pupils, and develop their skills and knowledge that will help the region improve the employability of its young workforce.”

Project Manager of Developing the Young Workforce North East Scotland Jo Golder said: “The success of the bid is great news and we will assist NESCol to pilot the project to schools in the Region.

“We will engage with employers to raise awareness of the project, and encourage them to come forward to offer their advice, support and expertise in developing the curriculum to make it as effective as possible.”

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