Notice: The Chamber's documentation and customs declaration services announce festive opening hours. Click here to view.

The CV-19 restrictions have impacted everyone in Scotland and MISS (Miscarriage Information Support Service) are no exception. However, since March, MISS has proactively embraced new ways of working to evolve with the pandemic and continue supporting women and partners in Grampian and beyond.

Unable to offer any face-to-face support meetings, MISS swiftly moved these online using Zoom. The sessions have been popular and MISS volunteers have noted that the convenience of attending from your own home counterbalances the unease over online participation for many members. The initial weekly, and now monthly, online activities have also helped to raise the charity’s profile and brought new audiences to MISS.

MISS have also put together and sent out over 200 small support parcels to help those coping with a loss with relaxation and comfort. The free of charge parcels are available to anyone in the UK and include a MISS stress ball, led light, Doterra essential oil, an Arbonne product, Sentsy sample and various other items.

Abi Clarke, MISS founder/chairperson said: "We have worked hard to bring our support to everyone who needs it. I’m very proud of my team of volunteers."

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