Maxoil Solutions expertise in the spotlight

The expertise of a global oil and gas consultancy is set to be shared with a US audience as some of the energy industry’s vital challenges are tackled at a high profile event.

One of the founding directors of Maxoil Solutions has been confirmed as the co-chair of a key Society of Petroleum Engineers technical session during a period in which the company’s experience in maximising efficiency is in high demand.

Dr Wally Georgie, who founded the firm in Aberdeen in 2004 with Mel Dow, has been one of the driving forces behind the gathering in Galveston, Texas, from October 28-30. Some of the innovations being pioneered by Maxoil’s worldwide team will be showcased during the event, which is aimed at those in the non-conventional sector of the industry.

Dr Georgie will be co-chair of a focus on fluid characterisation and monitoring at the SPE’s workshop on Flow Assurance Challenges in Shale and Tight Rock Developments.

It follows another key SPE event that Maxoil participated in, with the firm attending the Produced Water Handling and Management Symposium in Galveston in May. During the conference Chris Dilley, Senior Production Chemist, presented on the topic of ‘creating an effective oil in water sampling and monitoring system’.

The session included an examination of best practice and the necessity of calibrating field equipment. The importance of sampling techniques was also examined in the presentation prepared in conjunction with Maxoil’s senior production chemist Juan Carlos Picott.

Also during this conference, Dr Georgie chaired a technical session looking closely at flow impediment caused by fluid phase behaviours and issues relating to production chemistry.

He said: “Maxoil Solutions is always pleased to present and participate at SPE events and I am looking forward to the workshop, which presents an ideal opportunity to share knowledge and experience of factors which promise to have a significant impact on field development.“

“Technical forums are an opportunity to showcase our expertise and the presentation Chris Dilley delivered was well received, addressing another important issue in the industry.”

Maxoil Solutions has been built on the foundations of bringing together experienced consultants with a focus on operational expertise. The business has expanded from its Aberdeen roots to incorporate a base in Houston, a strong presence in Perth, Australia, and Stavanger in Norway as well as other key energy regions globally.

With expertise in a range of specialised process, engineering and production chemistry consultancy services, the Maxoil team’s ability to achieve process performance optimisation by applying effective knowledge to new projects and operating assets has presented new opportunities in 2015.

Dr Georgie added: “Improving efficiency, increasing uptime and minimising OPEX in every aspect of operations is at the core of our business model. We have extensive experience of optimising production performance, a crucial focus during an uncertain period in the industry.”

Maxoil, continued its support of specific industry sector by attending another event earlie this month, with the NEL Produced Water Workshop staged on June 9 and 10 in Aberdeen. .

Maxoil has specialist areas of expertise in operations assurance, flow assurance, fluids separation, produced water management, sand and solids management, gas treatment and transport, chemical management, contaminants management, process troubleshooting, operations assurance, advanced diagnostics, operational readiness, unconventional production, de-bottlenecking and technical awareness training. For further information visit

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