A crowdfunding campaign to pay for a legal challenge against Aberdeen's disastrous city centre bus gates is edging closure to its goal.

With nine days left to hit its £35,000 target, contributors are being urged to make one final push with just around £6,500 more needed.

Spearheaded by veteran retailer Norman Esslemont, the campaign hopes to take Aberdeen City Council to court in a bid to reverse the city centre traffic measures which have caused havoc for local businesses.

Earlier this week, Alasdair Sutherland, the legal eagle tasked with taking down the local authority in court, threw down the gauntlet to the council ahead of the potential court showdown.

As of this morning, the crowdfunding campaign had raised £28,470, thanks to 518 pledges - sitting tantalisingly close to its goal.

To view the crowdfunder or to donate, click here.

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