IP firm toasts Banchory Beer Festival sponsorship

Leading intellectual property firm Marks & Clerk has been announced as an official corporate sponsor of Banchory Beer Festival in Deeside

Patent attorney Douglas Rankin from the firm’s Aberdeen office recently met with organisers MFGF Events Limited to toast the sponsorship as final plans get under way for the August 11-13 event.

The bi-annual gathering, which is held at the Deeside Rugby Club Pitches in Banchory, is a festival of beer, cider, gin, prosecco, Banchory’s local rum, street food and live music – and is expected to attract some 4000 people.

Mungo Finlayson, co-founder of MFGF Events, stressed the importance of local business support to keep the festival thriving.

He said: “We launched in 2014 and we’re anticipating a four-fold increase in the number of attendees at our forthcoming event.

“This is another year that we have secured sponsorship deals with large companies which is fantastic, because attracting this type of support is crucial in securing the long-term success and continued growth of Banchory Beer Festival. We are delighted to welcome our newest corporate sponsor.”

Marks & Clerk has offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow and the sponsorship deal was struck by its Aberdeen office.

Douglas Rankin from Marks & Clerk said: “We handle clients across a wide range of sectors including breweries and distilleries so this Deeside event was a perfect fit.

“We are proud to sponsor this thriving local event and look forward to seeing it going from strength to strength.”

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