A young boy from Inverness has teamed up with Loganair to restore the headstone of the airline’s founder, Willie Logan, ensuring his contribution to Scottish business and engineering is not forgotten.

Struan Eason, aged 10, discovered the headstone while researching the Scottish airline as part of a school project at Lochardil Primary School in Inverness.

Keen to find out everything there was to know about Loganair, Struan traced the airline as far back as its founding entrepreneur and was saddened to find his headstone in Dingwall had become run down over the years.

Recognising the impact Willie Logan had on Scottish business and the aviation industry, Struan embarked on a mission to restore the headstone. He reached out to Loganair and was delighted to hear back from the team who confirmed that they would assist with the restoration.

Loganair worked with Willie Logan’s family to ensure they were involved in the project and after six weeks’ work, the headstone has been fully restored.

Struan said: “When I was younger, one of my favourite things to do was to visit Inverness airport to watch the Loganair planes coming and going. So, when we got to choose any topic to do our project on, I knew mine would be Loganair.

“When I was researching I found the headstone and wrote to Loganair to help me clean it up, I was delighted when I heard back.

"The headstone looks so much better now, much cleaner and you can read it clearly. I’m glad I've been able to do this for Willie Logan and his family.”

Struan Eason with Maurice Boyle, chief operating officer at Loganair, and members of the Ki

Struan Eason with Maurice Boyle, chief operating officer at Loganair, and members of the Ki

Loganair was founded by Willie Logan in 1962. Prior to founding the airline, Logan was the owner of a civil engineering and construction company Logan Construction Company Ltd.

It was during this time he bought an ‘air taxi’ firm called Capital Services with a view to using the airline to travel between building sites before turning it into a successful regional airline.

Maurice Boyle, chief operating officer at Loganair, said: “We were honoured to support Struan and the Dingwall community with the restoration of Willie Logan’s headstone.

“Willie was a trailblazer in Scottish business and has paved the way for many other entrepreneurs and aviation businesses to operate in Scotland and we are glad we were able to play a part in the restoration of his resting place.”

Hugh Logan, Willie Logan's cousin, said: “We are so grateful to Struan for his initiative in bringing attention to the condition of the stone through his school project on Loganair.

“We would also like to extend our thanks to Loganair for supporting Struan in the restoration of Willie's gravestone. It means so much to the Logan family that his legacy as the founder of Loganair has been respected in this way.”

For more information about Loganair and its rich Scottish history, visit Our Heritage | Loganair

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