Integrity HSE has advised businesses to begin preparations for Martyn’s Law, formally known as the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill.

The legislation, which was renamed in memory of Martyn Hett, one of the 22 victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, is due for Royal Assent in 2025, and will be followed by a two-year implementation period.

Rob Diver, Integrity HSE’s head of risk and resilience said: “We welcome Martyn’s Law. It is great to see legislation that compels the private sector to take public safety seriously.

"My team of ex-police counter terrorism experts can help businesses comply with measures like terrorism risk assessments, staff training, and development of security policies.”

The qualifying criterion for venues under Martyn’s Law is complex, and involves a tiered approach triggered by the number of people attending.

Compliance can involve a basic terrorism risk assessment up to the creation of tailored and detailed security plans involving a designated senior officer in conjunction with the Security Industry Authority.

If your business or venue has a capacity of 100 or more then Integrity HSE is advising that you should check if you have obligations under Martyn’s Law.

This includes pubs, clubs, restaurants, retail spaces, and more. If you would like to speak to an expert, or have any other security-related enquiries, contact Integrity HSE at

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