Innovation is the lifeblood of business – and it is certainly true of the industries served by All-Energy and by the co-located Smart Urban Mobility Solutions (SUMS 2018) both being held at Glasgow’s SEC on, Wednesday and Thursday, May 2-3.
“All-Energy is delighted to once again be working closely with Innovate UK at the 2018 event,” explains Event Director, Jonathan Heastie, of Reed Exhibitions who own and organise the event. “All-Energy and SUMS are held in association with Innovate UK, who have a large presence on the exhibition show floor with relevant Catapult and KTN involvement, as well as showcasing exciting innovative companies from their portfolio.”
Ian Miekle, director - Clean Growth and Infrastructure, Innovate UK with Graham Oakes, founder and chief scientist, Upside Energy will be taking part in the All-Energy/SUMS opening plenary session and once again, immediately following the plenary session, there will be yet another exciting “Clean Growth and Infrastructure Innovation Showcase” taking place on the first day of the show with networking opportunities.
Thirty-four companies will be giving 3-minute pitches – roughly half of them are looking for pilot customers; and the others are looking for collaboration, investment and expertise. The sessions are bridged with a networking lunch where companies are able to connect to investors, potential supply chain partners and new customers
Investor breakfast
The ‘by invitation’ Investor Breakfast on, May 3, is an opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs to meet in an informal setting. There will be a couple of entrepreneurs at each table of investors with a facilitator encouraging each entrepreneur to give a short sharp introduction and to then let the discussions progress from there. The entrepreneurs will switch after a while on to a different table to give them a chance to meet a new set of investors.
‘By invitation’ workshop
The Innovate UK Clean Growth and Infrastructure team is hosting a half-day event on 3 May 2018, in parallel with All-Energy 2018. The event will introduces participants to the impact of the Clean Growth and Infrastructure team, and provide an opportunity to meet with infrastructure clients.
The event, starting at 10:00 and running until 14:00, will be held in a separate hall within the SEC and entry will be by invitation. If you would like to take part register your interest on this page
Participants will be introduced to the work of the Innovate UK Clean Growth and Infrastructure team and relevant funding opportunities for the development of individual technologies and integrated solutions will be highlighted. Attendees will learn about the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund programmes on Energy Systems and Construction and hear from companies that have benefited from Innovate UK funding.
Innovate UK is pleased to be working with a number of challenge owners, across the urban services, energy, and infrastructure sectors to give event attendees the opportunity to collaborate in helping address those challenges. Each of our challenge owners - including EDF Energy, Network Rail, Siemens, I3P (Infrastructure Industry Innovation Portal) and the Greater London Authority - will present their particular challenges, after which, attendees will break out into groups to explore how they might work together to derive potential solutions. Each group will then feed back to the room in a ‘speed-pitch’
Innovate UK drives productivity and growth by supporting businesses to realise the potential of new technologies, develop ideas and make them a commercial success, with supporting the breadth of infrastructure systems one of four key focus areas.
“What’s more, we have developed an “Innovation Trail” around the exhibition to join the 15 other trails,” explains Jonathan Heastie. “All are designed to help visitors find their way around the large show and ensure exhibitors see the people who are really interested in their products/services.
Innovation throughout the event
“Innovation also figures prominently throughout the free to attend multi-stream conference programme. Indeed, the word ‘Innovation’ appears 41 times in the programme (and 15 times for ‘Innovative’), sometimes in session headings (including offshore wind, marine renewable energy, community and local energy, and in the SUMS track) and sometimes in the titles of individual presentations. We’ve been innovative too with our Hydrogen Hub; our Meet the Farmers and Meet the Local Government Official networking sessions; our Investor Breakfast; CPD sessions for installers and DNOs/IDNOs; and Technology Tours for both low carbon heat and energy efficiency
Free online registration is open at www.all-energy for all component parts of All-Energy – exhibition, conference and Civic Reception and Giant Networking Evening.
Strong support
Shepherd and Wedderburn is All-Energy’s headline sponsor. Other sponsors include the Crown Estate Scotland, Element Power, Innovate UK, ScottishPower Renewables and WPO. All-Energy is supported by a large number of trade associations, government departments, professional bodies and learned societies, and is held in association with the Renewable Energy Association; Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Scottish Enterprise; Innovate UK; Sustainable Glasgow; and the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), with Glasgow as its Host City, and the Society for Underwater Technology as Learned Society Patron.
Full information on both events is at and