HR Hub Plus Limited has won this year’s Best Professional Service Provider Award 2022 for their continued support to businesses all around the UK. The award was presented on July 17, 2022 at the Aberdeen Altens Hotel.

The Best Professional Service Provider Award is an esteemed honour in the professional services sector. It was presented to Edward Obi, Director by Scott Somerville, Head of Presentations – Scotland Business Awards.

HR Hub Plus Limited by virtue of the regional win will now go on to compete for the national awards in November.

It has been a busy year of recognition for HR Hub Plus Limited as they recently won the Best HR & Employment Consultancy – Scotland at the SME News, 2022 UK Enterprise Awards, were Finalists at the Elevator Awards in the Spirit of Enterprise Category and FSB Awards Finalist in the Micro Business of the Year 2022 category.

Edward Obi, Director of HR Hub Plus Limited said the team feels highly honoured and happy to have won the glorious award and that they will not relent in providing cost effective HR services to the local business community, ensuring that businesses are not leaving themselves exposed to unnecessary employment tribunal claims.

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