Hillwalkers from Dandara Scotland recently braved the elements to complete a 20 mile trek through the mountains of Snowdonia National Park in Wales to help raise funds for vulnerable young people.

They joined with colleagues from divisions across the UK to take part in the Housebuilder Challenge on 15th of September and helped raise more than £11,000 for organisers’ Youth Adventure Trust.

The teams, which included representatives from Dandara’s East Scotland and Aberdeen offices, started the hike at five in the morning, walking through woodland and across narrow mountain paths to arrive back at base in time for a warm meal.

Claire Bathgate, Head of Sales for Dandara Aberdeen, said: “This was my first time taking part in the Housebuilder Challenge and I must admit when we set off in the pitch dark, I did wonder what I had got myself in for. I was surprised at just what a tough route it was, with lots of scrambling up over rocks and having to use navigation skills but it was an amazing experience, and our team completed the course in a respectable nine hours.

Ray Pearson, Stacey Loveridge, Sam Johnson, Claire Bathgate (Dandara Aberdeen) and Marnie Archibald (Dandara East Scotland).

Ray Pearson, Stacey Loveridge, Sam Johnson, Claire Bathgate (Dandara Aberdeen) and Marnie Archibald (Dandara East Scotland).

“It was a great opportunity to meet up not just with Dandara colleagues from other divisions but with others within the housebuilding industry and raise funds for such an important charity, which really does transform the lives of so many young people, instilling in them a love of adventure and teaching them about the importance of teamwork.”

Joining Claire from Dandara Aberdeen was Project Manager, Jeremy Claire. From Dandara East Scotland were Head of Finance Damian Sanaghan and Technical & Commercial Administrator, Marnie Archibald.

Lee Ogg, Dandara Scotland Managing Director, said: “The Scottish representatives really excelled themselves. This was by no means an easy challenge, but they all managed to complete it, despite the rough terrain, and were fantastic ambassadors for the company.

“I would like to thank everyone who sponsored the teams and their families and friends for all their support and encouragement.”

Youth Adventure Trust helps vulnerable young people aged 11-16 unlock their potential through outdoor activities; its Youth Adventure Programme, which spans three years and includes three residential camps and eight activity days, is a genuinely life-changing opportunity, giving young people the chance to build resilience, develop confidence and learn skills that will last a lifetime.

Ther’s still time to donate to the fundraiser - please visit https://youthadventuretrust.enthuse.com/pf/claire-bathgate for team ‘One Step at a Time’ and https://youthadventuretrust.enthuse.com/pf/jeremy-claire for team ‘Your Pace or Mine’.

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