Aberdeenshire Council is undertaking town centre health checks across the Shire in Banchory, Banff, Ellon, Fraserburgh, Huntly, Macduff, Peterhead, Stonehaven and Turriff.

Whether you live, work, study, shop or play in the region's towns, the local authority wants your views.

The checks are a means of assessing the vitality, resilience and performance of town centres over time. The results of a health check exercise are used to formulate strategies for improvements and inform policy documents and funding applications.

Now, more than ever Aberdeenshire Council needs to understand the unique characteristics of towns across the North-east to ensure that they can thrive as we move forward out of the pandemic.

To help do this the council will be conducting two surveys per town, one for town centre businesses and one for visitors to the town centre, which includes residents, workers, students, shoppers or tourists.

You can fill in a survey for your local town or as many as you visit.

Once all of the results have been collected and analysed they will be combined with a variety of other studies such as footfall counts, vacancy counts and street audits to produce town centre health check reports. These will be available early in 2022.

All survey responses are anonymous.

The surveys will be open until October 15, 2021 and should only take between 5-15 minutes to complete.

For more information visit Engage Aberdeenshire

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