Great turnout for Burns lunch at Deeside Activity Park

Guests at Deeside Activity Park enjoyed a tribute to the Bard at a Burns lunch yesterday (January 25).

The Master of Ceremony welcomed the crowd of Deeside Activity Park’s loyal customers most of whom, as Ken Howie said, were “weel kent faces”.

Nicola Howie gave the Selkirk Grace, and everyone tucked into a bowl of Cock-a-Leekie Soup.

As the crowd stood and clapped, the chieftain haggis was piped in by Lee Taylor, held up high by Joyce, chief cook at Deeside Activity Park.

The Haggis was given a stirring address in dramatic fashion by Ken, from a stamping of the foot to a loving whisper and toasted with a “wee dram” of whisky. It was then feasted upon with chappit neeps and tatties and rounded off with Joyce’s clootie dumpling.

The crowds then sat back and were in awe by the fiddle playing of David Anderson, who set the scene off with My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose which continued into a selection of well known Burns tunes.

Several of the gentlemen were in kilts and trews, and it appeared the tradition was being carried on by the younger generation of wee lads and lassies complete with wellies.

Doreen from Bonty Court, a regular guest at the park said:

"It’s been a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon with my friends here from Bonty Court after the recent events with all the floods and flooding that has been on Royal Deeside. "Deeside Activity Park have put on a fantastic afternoon with music from Lee Taylor on the pipes, David Anderson on the fiddle and hearing some Burns stories from Jim Smith."

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