From the initial business consultation to the deployment of tangible marketing concepts this partnership offers a fully managed service which will be monitored with businesses as it helps them grow.

Ideas in Partnership, founded in 2002 offer strategic marketing and business development support to businesses of all sizes and sectors currently working with both the public and private sector.

The company offer clients a bespoke service delivering all or a combination of services: Market research, Strategic Marketing plan development and implementation, Business Management and Consultancy, Project management and Event Management

Vizibility offer highly creative graphic design, website design and digital media design for key industries across all sectors with key clients from the Whisky, Tourism, Public and Third Sectors.

Carolyn Maniukiewicz, director of Ideas in Partnership met with Scott Dickson of Vizibility whilst working on a Scottish Enterprise project and immediately they recognised a route for collaboration and partnership to allow the two businesses to offer a full range of business development and marketing services from ideas generation and implementation, product and market launch and through to growth and evolution.

Many businesses come to Ideas in Partnership and once they have their strategy for marketing and business development they do not have a partner with whom they can develop their online and digital offering. Many clients come to Vizibility with a preconceived idea of what their marketing material should be, without having first researched their client base and their expectations.

The collaboration between Ideas in Partnership bridges both these gaps, offering clients experts who can deliver a creative yet clear strategic direction, based on sound research, and crucially follow through with actions that really deliver.

Ideas in Partnership and Vizibilty have created a full service approach to developing your creative business marketing.

To find out more, email Carolyn at or Scott at

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