Nestrans is offering businesses in the North Dee and Altens and Tullos business parks free support with employee travel planning to help promote the use of more active and sustainable modes of travel for travel to work i.e. walking, cycling, using public transport and car sharing. The project is being delivered in partnership with Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council and has received EU funding from the CIVITAS PORTIS programme. Transport consultant, Sweco has been appointed to deliver the project.

What’s involved?

The project aims to identify the barriers that prevent people from travelling by more sustainable means, and explore opportunities for making the area more appealing to people so that they choose to walk, cycle, use public transport or car share more often. Employers will be sent a short online travel survey for staff to complete, and events will be held for employers to discuss any specific issues that could be influencing travel to their workplace locations. Events will be held in the North Dee Quarter in October 2018, followed by the areas of Altens, East Tullos and West Tullos in Spring 2019.

The project is also looking for volunteers to attend a few focus groups, and for people to blog about their travel to work experiences. If any of your employees would be interested in participating in the focus groups or blogs, please get in touch.

If your business would like to be involved or you have any questions about the project, please contact

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