Food and Drink businesses across Scotland are being urged to have their say on the direction of the sector’s skills strategy.
Skills Development Scotland is consulting employers on a new edition of the Skills Investment Plan (SIP) for the sector, set to be published later this Spring.
The first SIP for the sector, published in 2012, set out the key skills issues facing the sector, as well as a series of priorities for future skills development and investment, ranging from talent attraction to leadership and innovation.
Employers are now being asked to take part in a short survey on where the key skills issues and challenges lie for their business.
Gerry McBride, Key Sector Manager for Food and Drink at SDS, said: “The needs of employers are central to the development of this SIP and so we are keen to hear the views of as wide a variety of employers as possible.
“This is a plan which belongs to the industry, and the involvement of employers will help ensure it has an impact on sector growth and development.
“The first edition of the SIP saw real progress being made across a number of areas from attracting new entrants to the sector to helping employers boost the skills of their workforce, and I am confident the refreshed SIP can continue to have a positive effect.”
The survey is being co-ordinated out by consultants SQW on behalf of SDS. It should only take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete.
The views expressed in the survey will feed directly into the development of the refreshed SIP and will help identify future priorities for investment in skills for the sector in Scotland.
The survey will remain open until Friday, February 19.
Click here to take the survey