RedWave (Aberdeen) Ltd are delighted to announce the launch of their Apprenticeship Support Scheme, “RedWave – the Next Generation”, to assist companies which would like to participate in the Modern Apprenticeship (MA) Scheme in technical disciplines such as Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Hydraulic Technicians or Engineers but do not necessarily have all of the resources internally to dedicate to support apprentices.
Susan Caddell, sales manager for Redwave (Aberdeen) Ltd commented:
“The idea for this service came from discussions with managers of several companies which, although they could see the benefits of bringing apprentices into their organisations and they could certainly provide all of the necessary “on-the-job” training required; they could not afford to dedicate internal resources to take care of all of the other aspects of looking after the apprentice.
Through this scheme RedWave will coordinate the MA scheme with all stakeholders (the company, training provider and apprentice), acting as contact and liaison between all parties We will assist reporting for the work placement element of the MA scheme, ensuring compliance and completion of the programme and provide a “Mentoring Service” for the apprentices with respect to developing their “soft skills” such as “Customer Facing Skills” – equally essential for the workplace! In addition, RedWave provide all employment administration, personnel management and payroll services for the apprentice.”
She added: “The benefits to smaller companies include being able secure sufficient, suitably qualified staff to support growth allowing for medium to long term growth plans to be put in place. It also helps retention, development of key employees and succession planning. RedWave can help companies bring on their future talent and work closely with them throughout the process, from recruitment to training and development and performance management. RedWave also removes additional burden for administration, HR or Payroll.”
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