Children’s charity, Denis Law Legacy Trust is calling on local organisations and businesses to take part in its calendar of fundraising challenges to help raise vital funds for the Trust’s free-to-access programmes and activities.

With businesses previously taking part in Kiltwalks, 10K runs, tough mudders and many other team events all in aid of the charity, Denis Law Legacy Trust cover the cost of all entry fees for any individual or teams entering events, like the above.

All money raised goes towards the Trust’s positive destination activities that support and empower young people to thrive. The charity will also support fundraisers to promote their efforts through a variety of channels and business networks.

Mark Williams, Chief Operating Officer, Denis Law Legacy Trust said “As the Trust looks set to have a record year, support from the Aberdeen business community has never been more important. Challenges are a great way to fundraise for a worthy cause, but also to build strong relationships within teams and bring staff together for a great experience and cause. We are always on the lookout for any new ideas you may have to bring your business together to support young people in the city.”

Working in Aberdeen City’s most disadvantaged communities, Denis Law Legacy Trust is a registered charity that operates and delivers several youth-led programmes and activities for young people. Last year, the charity saw over 18,400 total participations and over 3,600 hours of volunteering.

Helping Denis Law Legacy Trust to achieve these results are its three pillars of programming. The Trust’s flagship Streetsport programme delivers free weekly sports and creative activity sessions for young people 5-nights a week, 50-weeks a year, building strong ‘good adult’ relationships with the hardest-to-reach young people and providing a platform to build positive journeys, opportunities and destinations for those young people that need it the most. Club 10 supports families affected by imprisonment and helps break the circle of imprisonment by working with those most at risk of offending in society and, the newly launched, Denis Law’s Academy builds on the Trust’s relationships with struggling young people and helps support those wanting to stay at school or move into further education, training or employment.

If you or your business would like to hear more about how to fundraise with Denis Law Legacy Trust, please contact:

Find out more about Denis Law Legacy Trust here:

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