Aberdeen City Council's SNP leader Christian Allard has doubled down on the local authority's highly controversial bus gate strategy - and said they will be "judged" at the ballot box.

As passionate opposition - including a legal challenge - mounts, Mr Allard was steadfast in his belief the scheme will be a success.

He made the comments in the Press and Journal ahead of a key meeting later today to discuss the project and its legal intricacies.

Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce and the P&J backed struggling city centre businesses affected by the bus gates with a suggested Common Sense Compromise - which was snubbed by the council.

Now, Mr Allard has said: “These bus priority measures are essential to ensuring public transport moves around our city centre as efficiently as possible.

“I would highlight that motorists are accessing our city centre car parks, planning their journey, and becoming familiar with the bus priority routes."

Click here to read more in the Press & Journal.

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